Read more about the article Why is a Workforce Shortage Causing Customer Service to Suffer?
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Why is a Workforce Shortage Causing Customer Service to Suffer?

The obvious answer… companies don't have enough manpower to give proper attention to the customer! While this is true, there’s another reason; some employee’s "give a damn" is broken.What I mean by this is some people just don’t care. If they get fired for not taking care of customers or not performing their duties, they'll just hop to the next…

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Read more about the article Pandemic Cleaning
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Pandemic Cleaning

What Have We Learned from the Pandemic? We have learned a lot: We have learned a whole new respect for teachers and what a big role they play in keeping our kids safe from germs in the classroom. We have learned that wearing pajama pants to meetings is fantastic! But that viruses and germs can impact us far beyond a…

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Read more about the article The Science of Proper Cleaning
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The Science of Proper Cleaning

Properly Cleaning Floors and Surfaces We all have our ideas of how we properly cleaning our floors and surfaces. But let’s talk more about what is behind proper cleaning. Many people think: I’ll just add more chemicals to my mop water and get these floors clean. This is absolutely the wrong way to approach proper, professional cleaning. There is a…

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