The Science of Proper Cleaning

Properly Cleaning Floors and Surfaces

We all have our ideas of how we properly cleaning our floors and surfaces. But let’s talk more about what is behind proper cleaning. Many people think: I’ll just add more chemicals to my mop water and get these floors clean. This is absolutely the wrong way to approach proper, professional cleaning. There is a vast difference between a squeaky floor and a sticky floor.

Think about a child’s hand after they eat a piece of candy

It’s sticky, right. Everything they touch deposits a slightly sticky residue. Plus, The same is true for your floors and surfaces. Sticky surfaces attract germs, viruses, bacteria, and dirt. When you’re walking, and your shoes are sticking, things are sticking to your shoes. These things are now being transferred to your car, house, and other sacred spaces you want to keep clean.

On the other hand, a squeaky floor is a surface free of residue, dirt, dust, and debris.

Think about a basketball player. Their shoes are constantly squeaking. This squeak is in direct contact with the floor, not contact with chemical residue or dirt and dust. This is a good thing! This is a safe and healthy thing. These are precisely the results you want from a professional cleaning company in your space to keep you safe and healthy.

Bottom line, a sticky floor or surface is a direct result of an improper chemistry mixture.

It’s the result of an untrained crew that thinks more chemical is better than less.

More chemical is not better. It attracts germs, viruses, and bacteria. It puts unhealthy fumes in the air. More chemicals on surfaces can cause skin irritations. More chemicals don’t kill viruses ‘extra dead.’ It does the opposite; it attracts these germs and viruses to your skin, shoes, and clothes.

The next time you are walking across a floor, and your shoes are sticking...

Think about this the next time you put your arm on your desk, and your skin sticks to the surface. Think about this the next time you think about the level of cover you are receiving from your current cleaning crew. Understand the science of proper cleaning. This will help keep you, your family, and your team safe and healthy. Call Clean Impact LLC and learn more about our commercial cleaning services.